The tablet PC could be Apple's next big thing

Figuring out what Apple Inc. has in store for its next big product launch has become as popular a game as gathering to pick fantasy football drafts every fall.
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Pidgin 2.6 adds Google Talk video and voice support

Pidgin has long been an easy way to use lots of different chat systems on your desktop. With its 2.6 release, Pidgin's finally catching up to the video, audio and file transfer offerings of Google Talk, Yahoo and others.
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South Korea Cancels Satellite Launch

The mission was aborted just 7 minutes before liftoff and the rocket was reattached to its pad, news agencies reported from the Naro Space Center.

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Deaths linked to nanoparticles in China (Reuters)

HONG KONG, Aug. 19, 2009 (Reuters) -- Seven young Chinese women suffered permanent lung damage and two of them later died after working for months without proper protection in a paint factory using nanoparticles, Chinese researchers reported. ... > read full story
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Parkinson's disease: Iron accumulation to the point of demise

Neurons that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine are the cerebral cells that most commonly die-off in Parkinson's disease. The cells in the so-called substantia nigra, which contain the dark pigment neuromelanin, are affected. It is also known that the iron content of these cells increases during the course of Parkinson's disease.
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Greek pilots see red from laser pen pranks

Greece's civil aviation pilots on Wednesday called for a crackdown on laser pen pranksters who have endangered a growing number of plane landings around the country.
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Targeted investments in climate science could present enormous economic savings across the globe

Targeted investments in climate science could lead to major benefits in reducing the costs of adapting to a changing climate, according to new research published by scientists from the UK's National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). Published in the scientific journal, the Bulletin for the American Meteorological Society, the study shows that investments made now, can lead to as much as 10-20% improvement in climate predictions for the UK and Europe in the coming decades, and up to 20% across the rest of the globe.

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